upcoming events
Teen Health and Wellness
The award-winning Teen Health & Wellness provides middle and high school students with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, straightforward curricular, and self-help support. Articles are correlated to state, national, and provincial standards, including Common Core Health and Science. Topics covered include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, LGBTQ+ issues, and more.
programs & activities
beardmore public library
1000 Books Before Kindergarten – Ongoing Program
Register your child today!
Every book you read to your child counts towards their 1000 books. Achieve each milestone to earn a certificate and prize.
Visit your local library for more details!
geraldton public library
Letters To Santa
Gingerbread Ornament Craft Kits
Murder Mystery Games to Borrow
Puzzles to Borrow
1000 Books Before Kindergarten – Ongoing Program
Register your child today!
Every book you read to your child counts towards their 1000 books. Achieve each milestone to earn a certificate and prize.
Visit your local library for more details!
BookChat – Adult Book Club
Meets once every 6 weeks on a Friday afternoon
Visit the Geraldton Public Library for more details!
YBC – Youth Book Club
Meets every Wednesday at 3:30 pm
Adult Scrabble is Back!
Drop-in! No pre-registration is required.
*NOTE-The time has changed to 1:30-3:30 pm
Longlac Public library
1000 Books Before Kindergarten – Ongoing Program
Register your child today!
Every book you read to your child counts towards their 1000 books. Achieve each milestone to earn a certificate and prize.
Visit your local library for more details!
Nakina public library
Story Hour – JK to Grade 1
Beginning October 12th – 10:00-11:00 am – Every Saturday
Children’s Reading Activity
Every book you read you can decorate a spider with your name. Each name will be entered into a draw.
Book Club for Adults
Visit Nakina Public Library for more details!
1000 Books Before Kindergarten – Ongoing Program
Register your child today!
Every book you read to your child counts towards their 1000 books. Achieve each milestone to earn a certificate and prize.
Visit your local library for more details!
Craft Hour
Visit Nakina Public Library for more details!